
The Definitive eConsent Solution

It’s no secret – The industry has begun to recognize that the traditional “one size fits all” paper approach to informed consent is clearly not working. patients. In its place, eConsent has become increasingly adopted due to its ability to adapt to any population and improve education, comprehension and engagement through multimedia and other techniques based on learning theory.   To inform patients, DrugDev’s eConsent technology uses…

  • Introduction videos, explaining…
    • The Clinical Trial Processlsecureconsent_logo_dd
    • The right to informed consent
    • Trial-specific information
    • How to use the device to consent
  • Graphics and animation
  • Spoken text, for patients who have trouble reading information on screens
  • Linked terms that produce “pop up” explanations for tough words and concepts
  • Swipe to “understand” or swipe to “ask a question” to your doctor
  • Small quizzes and assessments to confirm understanding
  • Novel accessibility features
  • Real-time remote monitoring
  • Biometric signature tracking
  • Fully validated



Examples of eConsent’s Flexibility

Patients with macular degeneration had great trouble reading and navigating the paper consent forms required to enroll in a study rating the clinical effectiveness of a new eye drug.


The sponsor and sites used a combination of eConsent’ s narration abilities, font-scaling and multimedia tool s to educate patient s on the trial and complete the informed consent process.


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis experienced extreme difficulty in navigating paper consent forms. In many instances, patients could not

physically turn the pages in the trial materials and consent forms.

The sponsor and sites placed the eConsent solution on a large tablet that allowed patient s to ” swipe” through the enrollment process and provide and easier, electronic signature notation for consent.


Interview with DrugDev President, Patient Solutions