Every sponsor wants to find the ideal sites for their study. With over 80,000+ investigators across 125+ countries, DrugDev’s site selection technology helps sponsors and CROs identify sites that…
- Are actively seeking new trials,
- Have previous experience with your therapeutic area
- Have facilities necessary for complex studies
- Can perform their duties on site, or remote
Our technology makes it simple by…
- Finding the ideal site pool for your trial
- Offering powerful search tools
- Using consent-driven shared data
- Integrating CTMS and third-party data
- Sites who are indexed by DrugDev Golden Number
DrugDev’s simple technology works as a SaaS solution, in tandem with our experienced team, or with a customized combination of the two. Whether you are in the early planning stages for your next trial or are in urgent need of rescue sites, DrugDev’s site selection tool helps sponsors find the best sites in the world.