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Dr Claire SearsThe challenge of the ‘1 and done’ investigators (i.e., investigators who do not return to perform a second clinical trial) is one that has been talked about for years. Why do they drop out? How do we prepare new investigators for the challenges and rewards of clinical trials? Attend this session at SCOPE to learn more about the characteristics and size of the ‘1 and done’ population with data from the Investigator Databank and Tufts University Center for Drug Development.

It is clear that the high rate of attrition of investigators and the need to initiate new investigators is detrimental to site and overall trial performance, and is costly and time-consuming for sponsors. The session on at SCOPE on February 25 at 12:20pm will include the site perspective regarding what can be done (if anything) to decrease the rate of investigator turnover.

Join Claire Sears, PhD, our Director of Investigator Engagement; Christine Pierre, Founder & President, SCRS, Immo Zadezensky, PharmD, Ph.D., Clinical Pharmacologist, Professional Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement (PASE), Office of the Center Director, CDER, FDA, Jeffrey Rosen, M.D., Medical Director, Clinical Research of South Florida; Associate Professor, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine